PT. Pertamina Lubricants’ Fastron Penetrating Australian Market

Sharing for Empowerment

MELBOURNE, – “Currently we have a distributor of PT. Pertamina Lubricants products in Australia, especially in Melbourne (Victoria) and Sydney (New South Wales). But to penetrate the market, we will officially open a representative office of PT. Pertamina Lubricants in Sydney on Friday, 2 March 2018,” Mr. Afandi Anwar, President Director of PT. Pertamina Lubricants, explained during the meeting with Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Melbourne, Ms. Spica A. Tutuhatunewa.

Consul General of RI in Melbourne, Mrs. Spica A. Tutuhatunewa, supported the opening of PT. Pertamina Lubricants’ representative office, and conveyed it would strengthen the distribution of the Indonesian products in Australia that KJRI Melbourne had always strived for, as a concrete form of economic diplomacy.

Export opportunities will be wider, thus will increase the trade balance for Indonesia. The success is not only the interests of the Indonesian government, because it is a mutual benefit for business as well (SOEs and distributors).

Since 7 years ago Layser Green Mountain Pty. Ltd has been operating in Melbourne as the distributor of Fastron oil for the Australian market, especially in Victoria and New South Wales. Currently, this distribution business is operated by 2 Indonesian diasporas, Yusuf Usman Balahmar, as the director and Mohamad Rohmat as the general manager of the warehouse in Melbourne suburb area.

Director of Indonesian Trade and Promotion Centre (ITPC) in Sydney, Mr. Agung Harris Setiawan, highlighted that the opportunity for high grade lubricant products is big, therefore ITPC supports the boost of oil export growth to Australia. (JS)

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