Indonesia and EU discuss tackling hate speech and disinformation

Sharing for Empowerment
Seminar “Addressing Hate Speech and Disinformation with a Rights-Based Approach” in Jakarta, 17-18 October 2018 (KalderaNews/EU)

JAKARTA, –  The Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Indonesia and the Ministry of Foreign Affa irs of the Republic of Indonesia are jointly organising the seminar “Addressing Hate Speech and Disinformation with a Rights-Based Approach” in Jakarta, 17-18 October 2018.

Hate speech and disinformation, in particular online through social media and mes senger services, have become a major challenge, including in Indonesia and in Europe. Incitement of hostility and violence, abuse and harassment, and widespread dissemination of hoaxes or other forms of misinformation have increased considerably in recent years. Tackling the spread of hate speech and disinformation is crucial and the subject of an ongoing and evolving debate in Europe and around the globe. 

The aim of the two-day seminar is to facilitate an in-depth discussion on which legal, regulatory, policy and professional instruments are most suitable to tackle hate speech or disinformation while fully respecting human rights, freedom of expression and freedom of the press. The seminar brings together government officials, experts, civil society, journalists and the private sector from Indonesia and the EU to exchange knowledge and expertise and provide a collaborative platform to discuss solutions to mitigate the negative consequences of hate speech and disinformation.

The EU Ambassador, H.E. Vincent Guérend, and the Director General for Multilateral Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Febrian Alphyanto Ruddyard, opened the event.   This seminar was agreed at the 7th session of the Indonesia European Union Human Rights Dialogue on 1 February 2018. This dialogue is held annually within the framework of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between Indonesia and the EU, where respect for democratic principles and fundamental human rights is enshrined. 

The EU has a comprehensive set of rules and principles applicable to the regulation of communications and content both online and offline. In addition, the EU is working with social media companies to tackle hate speech. In May 2016, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter and the EU signed a Code of Conduct on Countering Illegal Hate Speech Online, creating community guidelines that prohibit the promotion of incitement to violence and hateful conduct. 

In January 2018, the European Commission set up a high-level group of experts to advise on policy initiatives to counter fake news and disinformation spread online. The group recommended a multi-dimensional approach based on a number of interconnected and mutually reinforcing responses. (JS)

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