JAKARTA, KalderaNews.com – Umat Kristen dan Katolik akan merayakan hari raya Kenaikan Isa Almasih pada 13 Mei 2021, dalam suasana pandemi Covid-19.
Meskipun pemerintah belum secara resmi menetapkan 1 Syawal 1442 Hijriah, namun dalam kalender 1 Syawal 1442 Hijriah jatuh pada 13 Mei. Hari Raya Idul Fitri pada 1 Syawal 1442 Hijriah dan Kenaikan Isa Almasih diperkirakan akan jatuh pada hari yang sama, yaitu 13 Mei 2021.
Peringatan Kenaikan Isa Almasih atau Kenaikan Yesus Kristus ke Surga adalah peristiwa yang terjadi 40 hari setelah Kebangkitan Yesus Kristus.
- Inilah Panduan Merayakan Hari Raya Kenaikan Isa Almasih, 13 Mei 2021
- 10 Ucapan Selamat Hari Raya Kenaikan Isa Almasih Sederhana Penuh Makna
- Inilah Inspirasi Ucapan Selamat Hari Kenaikan Isa Al Masih, Yuk Cek Di Sini!
Yesus Kristus terangkat naik ke langit dan kemudian hilang dari pandangan setelah tertutup awan, seperti yang dicatat dalam bagian Perjanjian Baru di Alkitab.
Peristiwa itu disaksikan oleh murid-murid-Nya. Kitab Kisah Para Rasul mencatat lebih detail mengenai percakapan antara Yesus dan murid-murid-Nya menjelang kenaikan-Nya ke surga. Para murid Yesus digambarkan masih belum memahami benar arti seluruh peristiwa yang mereka alami.
Nah, untuk menyemarakkan Hari Kenaikan Isa Almasih, tak ada salahnya mengirimkan ucapan penuh hikmah pada mereka yang merayakan Kenaikan Isa Almasih.
Berikut ini pilihannya yang cocok untuk update status atau dibagikan di Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, atau Whatsapp:
- He is not God of the dead, but of the living (Matt 22:32). Happy Ascension Day
- After instructing His disciples for 40 days, Jesus Christ ascended into heaven. Happy Ascension Day!
- His Ascension was to make us understand that he exists. He is the one that is seeing everything. Let’s take an oath today that we shall never do anything that is against his will. Happy Ascension Day!
- He is taken up, that He may satisfy His plan in biting the dust, and give the work of our salvation its last finishing act. Happy Ascension Day!
- We believe that Jesus Christ will come again, as it is written of him: “And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold two men stood by them in white apparel; which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?
- Jesus went away not only to prepare a place for us, so that it will be ready for us as one by one we go home, but to prepare us for the place, to fit us for heavenly enjoyments and heavenly service. Happy Ascension Day!
- The ascension of Elijah may be compared to the flight of a bird, which none can follow; the ascension of Christ is, as it were, a bridge between earth and heaven, laid down for all who are drawn to Him by His earthly existence. Happy Ascension Day!
- He was lifted up, and a cloud took Him out of their sight. Happy Ascension Day
- He is taken up from earth and he is not dead. He entered earth on this day. This day is a very big day for our religion. This is the day we need to celebrate and make a resolution that we shall make our Christ proud by doing good deeds. Happy Ascension Day!
- New beginning, new hope.. Happy Ascension Day for those who celebrate
- The day our beloved Jesus was received upon heaven was such a great day. Let’s celebrate this day with good wishes, happiness, and love. Let’s spread love and laughter everywhere today. Happy Ascension Day!
- He is taken up from earth and he is not dead. He entered earth on this day. This day is a major day for our religion. This is the day we have to celebrate and make a determination that we might make our Christ pleased by doing great deeds. Happy Ascension Day!
- The ascension of Elijah may be compared to the flight of a bird, which none can follow; the ascension of Christ is, as it were, a bridge between earth and heaven, laid down for all who are drawn to Him by His earthly existence. – Baumgarten.
- May this day of faith become a blessing for us all. Happy Ascension Day
- Before ascending to heaven, the resurrected Jesus Christ appeared to his disciples and assigned them an important work. Happy Ascension Day!
- When Jesus Christ ascended to heaven and presented the value of his sacrificed human life to Jehovah God, the Mosaic Law covenant was voided and the basis was laid for the foretold “new covenant.” – Jeremiah 31:31-34.
- While He was blessing them, He left them and was taken up into heaven. Happy Ascension Day
- Happy Ascension Day! Before Jesus Christ ascended to heaven in 33 C.E., he promised to return.
- Jesus went away not only to prepare a place for us, so that it will be ready for us as one by one we go home, but to prepare us for the place, to fit us for heavenly enjoyments and heavenly service. Happy Ascension Day 2021!
- On this big day, I pray that may Jesus give you all the happiness and all the love that you deserve in life. Happy Ascension Day 2021!
- (Joh 4:21-24) So the need to employ such things that were only “typical representations” (Heb 9:23) within the human sphere picturing the greater things of a heavenly nature had ceased with Christ Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven.
- It is so very obvious that the man child who was caught up unto God, and to his throne is describing Jesus Christ at his ascension. Happy Ascension Day!
- Some 3,000 years after Enoch’s day, however, Jesus Christ stated: “No man has ascended into heaven but he that descended from heaven, the Son of man.” Happy Ascension Day!
- Happy Ascension Day! Today and forevermore God’s grace is available to all whose hearts are broken and whose spirits are contrite. Jesus Christ has cleared the way for us to ascend to heights incomprehensible to mortal minds.
- I am with you always (Matthew 20:28). Happy Ascension Day
- Jesus Christ promised it to His disciples when He was about to be crucified, resurrected, and then taken away from them to ascend in glory to His Father. Happy Ascension Day!
- I am so glad to tell you that Jesus has always been with us and we should never fear anybody because Jesus will always be with us. Happy Ascension Day!
- Before leaving his disciples and ascending to his Father’s right hand, Jesus Christ stated: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. Happy Ascension Day!
- On this day of Jesus Christ, the first thing we shall do is to thank him for everything. So, first thing we need to do today is to go to church. Happy Ascension Day 2021.
- He is taken up, that He may fulfill His design in dying, and give the work of our salvation its last completing act. – John Flavel.
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