Kumpulan Ucapan Isra Miraj Berbahasa Inggris yang Menyentuh Hati, Cocok Dibagikan di Media Sosial

Ucapan Isra Miraj. (Ist.)
Ucapan Isra Miraj. (Ist.)
Sharing for Empowerment

JAKARTA, KalderaNews.com – Berikut kumpulan ucapan Isra Miraj dalam bahasa Inggris yang menyentuh hati, yang sangat cocok dibagikan di media sosial.

Isra Miraj merupakan peristiwa penting dalam sejarah Islam.

Perjalanan Nabi Muhammad SAW dari Masjidil Haram ke Masjidil Aqsa lalu naik ke Sidratul Muntaha adalah bukti nyata kekuasaan Allah SWT.

Peristiwa agung ini selalu diperingati oleh umat Islam di seluruh dunia sebagai momen untuk merenungi kembali iman dan meningkatkan ketakwaan.


Berikut kumpulan ucapan Isra Miraj yang menyentuh hati dalam bahasa Inggris:

Ucapan Umum

  • May the blessings of Isra and Miraj fill your life with peace and happiness
  • Wishing you a blessed and prosperous Isra and Miraj.
  • On this holy occasion of Isra and Miraj, may you find peace and guidance.

Untuk Keluarga

  • May the journey of Isra and Miraj bring our family closer together.
  • Wishing you a blessed Isra and Miraj, Mom. Thank you for always being my guide.
  • Happy Isra and Miraj, Dad. May Allah bless you with good health and happiness.

Silaturahmi pertemanan

  • Let’s celebrate the night of Isra and Miraj together.
  • May this special night strengthen our bond of friendship.
  • Happy Isra and Miraj! Let’s continue to inspire each other to be better Muslims.

Pererat kasih dengan pasangan

  • May the love and blessings of Isra and Miraj fill our hearts.
  • Happy Isra and Miraj to my soulmate. Thank you for being my constant support.

Meningkatkan iman

  • May the miracle of Isra and Miraj inspire us to strengthen our faith.
  • Let us take this opportunity to reflect on our lives and draw closer to Allah.

Ucapan untuk guru

  • Happy Isra and Miraj to my dearest teacher! Thank you for being a guiding light in my life and inspiring me to seek knowledge.
  • May the spirit of Isra and Miraj remind us all of the great teachers like you who have dedicated their lives to educating others.
  • May Allah bless you with abundant knowledge, good health, and endless blessings on this blessed night of Isra and Miraj.

Untuk kolega

  • May the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood be strengthened on this blessed night of Isra and Miraj. Happy Isra and Miraj to all my colleagues!
  • Thank you for being such a great colleague. Happy Isra and Miraj!

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