15 Ucapan Natal dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Penuh Sukacita

Perayaan natal. (kalderanews.com)
Perayaan natal. (kalderanews.com)
Sharing for Empowerment

JAKARTA, KalderaNews.com – Natal sudah depan mata. Nah, berikut ini kumpulan 15 inspirasi ucapan Natal dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu bagikan di media sosial.

Perayaan Natal identik dengan kegembiraan atau sukacita menyambut kelahiran bayi Yesus.

Bagi umat Kristiani, Natal merupakan hari besar yang dirayakan penuh sukacita.

Natal tahun ini, tema yang diangkat adalah “Kemuliaan bagi Allah dan Damai Sejahtera di Bumi” (Lukas 2:14).


Ucapan Natal bahasa Inggris

Nah, inilah kumpulan 15 ucapan Natal dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa mulai kamu bagikan nih:

  1. “Merry Christmas fam! May your day be filled with lit vibes and festive joy!”
  2. “Wishing you a Christmas as bright as your favorite filter! 🎄✨”
  3. “Cheers to a holly jolly Christmas and a year ahead filled with epic adventures! 🥂”
  4. “May your Christmas be on fleek and your New Year’s resolutions on point! 💯”
  5. “May your Christmas playlist be on point and your heart full of festive vibes! 🎶❤️”
  6. “Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with joy and peace! 🎅”
  7. “Cheers to a Christmas as lit as the city skyline on New Year’s Eve!”
  8. “Santa’s coming to town, so be nice, be naughty, and be yourself! Merry Christmas, you awesome human! 🎅🎉”
  9. “Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with blessings, good vibes, and dope moments! 🌟🎄”
  10. “May your Christmas lights shine brighter than your future goals! 💡🎄”
  11. “Ho, ho, holy cow, it’s Christmas! May your day be filled with surprises and good vibes! 🎅🎁”
  12. “Merry Christmas, fam! May your day be filled with more joy!🎄”
  13. “Wishing you a lit Christmas filled with joy, laughter, and awesome memories! 🎄🎉”
  14. “Wishing you a Christmas, Glory to God and Peace on Earth🎄”
  15. “Merry Christmas! May your day be filled with good food, great company, and the best holiday playlists! 🎄”

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