Happy Kartini’s Day! Inilah Kumpulan Ucapan Hari Kartini dalam Bahasa Inggris

Ilustrasi: Peringatan Hari Kartini. (KalderaNews.com/Ist.)
R.A. Kartini (KalderaNews.com/Ist.)
Sharing for Empowerment

JAKARTA, KalderaNews.com – Berikut ini ide ucapan Hari Kartini 2024 dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu bagikan di media sosial. Yuk disimak!

Hari Kartini akan kita peringati pada 21 April nanti.

Peringatan ini untuk mengenang dan menghormati perjuangan Raden Ajeng Kartini dalam mengangkat derajat perempuan.


Ucapan Hari Kartini bahasa Inggris

Perjuangan R.A. Kartini meninggalkan banyak kisah inspiratif untuk kaum perempuan di Indonesia.

Nah, berikut ucapan Hari Kartini dalam bahasa Inggris:

  1. Let’s continue Kartini’s legacy of inspiring women to dream big and strive for success.
  2. The spirit of Kartini lives on in every woman who dares to break boundaries and fight for her rights.
  3. May the courage and strength of Kartini inspire us to always stand up for what is right and just.
  4. Kartini reminds us that every woman has the power to make a positive impact on the world.
  5. Let’s celebrate Kartini Day by empowering women to lead and make their voices heard.
  6. Kartini’s legacy serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for all women striving for equality and justice.
  7. On Kartini Day, we honor the courage and determination of all women who have fought for their rights and freedom.
  8. Let’s take inspiration from Kartini’s example and work towards a future where every woman has equal opportunities and rights.
  9. Empower women, celebrate Kartini!
  10. Progress starts with equality. Happy Kartini’s Day!
  11. Happy Kartini’s Day! Together, we break barriers.
  12. Happy Kartini’s Day! Inspiring women, fearless dreams.
  13. Women’s rights, Kartini’s legacy. Happy Kartini’s Day!
  14. Strong women, better world. Happy Kartini’s Day!
  15. Equality for all, celebrate Kartini. Happy Kartini’s Day!
  16. Happy Kartini Day! Let’s continue to inspire and empower women to pursue their passions and achieve their dreams.
  17. To all the strong and resilient women of Indonesia, Happy Kartini Day! Keep breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings.
  18. Kartini’s legacy reminds us that education and knowledge are powerful tools for women to break free from the limitations placed upon them.
  19. Happy Kartini Day to all the women who refuse to be silenced and continue to fight for their rights and equality.
  20. Kartini’s vision of an equal and just society inspires us to keep working towards a future where every woman is valued and respected.
  21. Let’s celebrate Kartini Day by encouraging and supporting women to take on leadership roles and make a positive impact in their communities.
  22. Happy Kartini Day! Let’s celebrate the incredible contributions of Indonesian women in all aspects of life and continue to push for progress and equality.
  23. Kartini’s message of empowerment and education for women is as relevant today as it was in her time. Let’s continue to spread her message and work towards a brighter future for women.
  24. To all the young girls and women of Indonesia, Happy Kartini Day! Always remember that you are strong, capable, and deserving of every opportunity in life.
  25. Let’s honor Kartini’s legacy by continuing to advocate for women’s rights and push for progress towards a more inclusive and equal society.

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