Kumpulan Ucapan Selamat Hari Perawat Nasional 2022 dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Menyentuh Hati

Ilustrasi: Alasan memilih jurusan Ilmu Keperawatan. (KalderaNews.com/Ist.)
Ilustrasi: Alasan memilih jurusan Ilmu Keperawatan. (KalderaNews.com/Ist.)
Sharing for Empowerment

JAKARTA, KalderaNews.com – Kita memperingati Hari Perawat Nasional setiap 17 Maret, dan tahun ini jatuh pada Kamis, 17 Maret 2022.


Namun, masih banyak masyarakat yang belum tahu tentang Hari Perawat Nasional ini. Padahal jasa mereka selalu kita butuhkan.

Jasa para perawat pun semakin kita rasakan di masa pandemi Covid-19. Mereka adalah garda terdepan penanganan pandemi ini. Bahkan, di antara mereka harus merelakan nyawa demi penanganan Covid-19.

So, pada kesempatan yang istimewa ini, tak ada salahnya kita mengucapkan Selamat Hari Perawat Nasional 2021 pada kakak, adik, saudara, orang tua, teman, sahabat yang saat ini berprofesi sebagai perawat.

Inilah kumpulan ucapan Selamat Hari Perawat Nasional dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa kita bagikan melalui media sosial:

  1. What you offer to your patients goes beyond basic care. It gets to the core of who they are and makes their journey to a healthier life more realistic and comfortable. You’re wonderful. Happy National Nurses Day!
  2. Before meeting you I didn’t believe in the saying, “What love can’t cure, nurses can.” Now, I don’t have any doubts or complaints. Thank You! Happy National Nurses Day!
  3. Happy National Nurses Day to someone who seems like a beautiful song, to someone who gives to others and cares steadfastly all year long.
  4. Daughter, you have what so many only dream of intelligence, skills, kindness, and professionalism. You’re an inspiration and a gift to your patients. We are so proud of you! Happy National Nurses Day!
  5. The care and compassion of the nurse are just as important as the medicines prescribed by the doctors. And you leave no stone unturned to make your job well done. Thanks! Happy National Nurses Day!
  6. Thank you for being so caring to heal the mind, body, heart, and soul of your patients. You’re the important ingredients for the whole mankind to have a healthy and long-lasting life.
  7. Having you for a loving daughter has meant the world to me. Knowing that you are just as loving and caring to your patients makes me proud beyond words. I’m thankful for the professional that you have become. Happy National Nurses Day!
  8. Boring hospital cabin, painful recovery, bitter medicines- a gentle nurse like you made all this easier for me. Thank you so much for your dedication. Happy National Nurses Day!
  9. The world is already a better place thanks to all the wonderful people out there whom we call Nurses. Let’s shower them with some words of appreciation throughout the week because this is the least, we can do for them. Happy National Nurses Day!
  10. You understand what it takes for others to heal more than “medicine”, giving them a smile, a bit of comfort, and an encouraging word can help to bring about miracles! Happy National Nurses Day!
  11. Today, right now, somewhere a nurse is making someone smile, somewhere she is easing someones pain, somewhere a nurse is making a difference. Happy National Nurses Day!
  12. You’re the best caring friend in the hospital that a person could ask for! Thank you for all the wonderful work you have done. Happy National Nurses Day!
  13. Your patients are so fortunate to have been cared for by you. I know this because you are one of the most caring friends that I’ve ever had. Happy Nurses Day!
  14. Your care is the motherly touch that turns sympathy into comfort. On this Happy National Nurses day, I salute you for your noble contribution.
  15. You do more for your patients that people realize. Not only do you help them with their health issues, but you also give them the confidence and encouragement that you need to truly heal. Happy National Nurses Day!

*Jika merasa artikel ini bermanfaat, silakan dishare pada saudara, sahabat dan teman-temanmu!

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