JAKARTA, KalderaNews.com – Tanggal 14 Agustus, kita merayakan Hari Pramuka. Berikut beberapa ucapan selamat Hari Pramuka 2022 dalam Inggris yang bisa kamu bagikan lewat media sosial.
Hari Pramuka tahun ini jatuh pada hari Minggu, 14 Agustus 2022. Ini merupakan peringatan Hari Pramuka yang ke-61.
Penetapan Hari Pramuka berlandaskan Keputusan Presiden RI Nomor 448 Tahun 1961.
- Inilah Tema dan Makna Logo Hari Pramuka ke-61, 14 Agustus 2022
- Inilah Tema dan Makna Logo Peringatan Hari Kemerdekaan RI Tahun 2022
- Selamat Hari Pramuka: Sejarah dan Asal-Usul Gerakan Pramuka Indonesia
Tema Hari Pramuka ke-61 tahun 2022 adalah “Mengabdi Tanpa Batas untuk Membangun Ketangguhan Bangsa”.
Nah, untuk memeriahkan Hari Pramuka, inilah kumpulan ucapannya dalam bahasa Inggris:
- Fullfil the Trisatya, practice Dasa Dharma, for the sake of country and the nation.
- Greetings scouts. Happy Scout Day for scout brothers which is celebrated on August 14.
- I devote my Satya and I dedicate my dharma. Happy Boy Scouts Day, live Indonesian Scouts.
- Happy Scout Day. Scouting activities teach discipline, dexterity and skills for our young generation. Keep moving the Indonesian Scouting movement.
- We wish you a Happy 61th Scout Day, 14 August 2022. Happy Scout Day
- Happy Scout Day 14 August 2. Greetings Scouts.
- The Scout Movement must continue to be nurtured as a forum for the formation of our nationalism and patriotism. Scout salute! Happy Scout Day
- Long live my Indonesia, my Satya, I will devote my Lordship, Greetings Scouts.
- Together building the Indonesian nation, live in my Indonesia, my Satya, I dedicate my Darma, Greetings Scouts.
- Happy Scout Day, I hope the Scouts will always be the glue of unity and can continue to make the nation proud.
- One scout, for one Indonesia. Long live my country. Happy Scout Day
- The spirit of scouting remains passionate to create an atmosphere of brotherhood and mutual respect. Happy Scout Day
- Scouts teach togetherness, discipline, independence. Korsa spirit and unyielding spirit. Happy Scout Day
- An endless sacrifice because I was a scout. Scout salute.
- Life without adventure would be deadly dull. – Lord Baden-Powell. Happy Scout Day!
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