Kumpulan Ucapan Ramadan Berbahasa Inggris yang Bisa Kamu Bagikan di Media Sosial

Ramadan. (Ist.)
Ramadan. (Ist.)
Sharing for Empowerment

JAKARTA, KalderaNews.com – Suasana menjelang Ramadan mulai terasa. Meskipun pemerintah belum memutuskan secara resmi awal Ramadan, tapi bisa dipastikan awal April umat Islam akan memulai ibadah puasa Ramadan.

Muhammadiyah telah memutuskan bahwa awal Ramadan 1443 H akan jatuh pada Sabtu, 2 April 2022. Namun, pemerintah belum secara resmi memutuskan awal Ramadan.


Nah, untuk memeriahkan awal Ramadan ini, kamu bisa saling berbagi ucapan melalui media sosial. Dan inilah kumpulan lengkap inspirasi ucapan Ramadan 1443 H dalam Bahasa Inggris:

  1. May Allah bring countless moments of happiness and joy in your life. Happy Ramadan!
  2. Whenever you feel alone and sad, remember that Allah is with you. Allah will never leave you alone and always guide you.
  3. Allah has once again brought Ramadan in our lives, and we must take this opportunity to do lots of pray. May Allah forgive us for all our sins.
  4. The beautiful and holy month is coming back bringing so much happiness to the waiting soul. Ramadan month full of forgiveness it is time to clean the soul of all sin to return nature and achieve victory. Happy fasting.
  5. I wish you and your family be protected and blessed by Allah. Allah is the only savior. Ramadan Kareem Mubarak!
  6. May Allah fills our heart with courage and makes our way closer to the victory. May Allah be always with us!
  7. Dear Allah, forgive us for all our sins, and take us in your blessings and happiness. We are very weak, give us the strength to fight against sins.
  8. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, that a person who gives iftar to another fasting person, shall earn reward the same as the fasting man.
  9. According to the Quran, on the final day of judgment, every sin done in life will be counted. And Ramadan is the opportunity to seek forgiveness from Allah. I wish you a Happy Ramadan!
  10. Persons who are true Muslims never forget Allah until their death, because they know that death is the truth. Ramadan Mubarak!
  11. In the pains of patience tested, in the sustained struggle of sincerity, in the proof of sincerity in trust worthiness tested this life belief is very beautiful if Allah becomes the goal. Happy fasting.
  12. The whole nature of trees, animals, and birds are praying to Allah and by following the rules of Allah always maintain them at their home of nature brought them by Allah.
  13. Ramadan is the best time to destroy all bad habits. Happy Ramadan Kareem!
  14. During Ramadan always look for the name of Allah at every place. Ramadan Mubarak!
  15. Your sincere prayers, your devotion, your faith in Allah, will make you a better human, to serve this society with wisdom and truth. Happy Ramadan.

*Jika merasa artikel ini bermanfaat, silakan dishare pada saudara, sahabat dan teman-temanmu

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