JAKARTA, KalderaNews.com – Marhaban ya Ramadan. Bulan suci untuk berpuasa sudah di depan mata. Marhaban ya Ramadan yang berarti Selamat Datang ya Bulan Ramadan diucapkan jelang menjalani masa puasa.
Ada tradisi baik sebelum menjalankan ibadah puasa Ramadan yakni saling meminta maaf atau bermaaf-maafan untuk menyucikan diri dari dosa. Baik sengaja atau tidak, kita pasti pernah melakukan kesalahan atau dosa kepada orang lain walaupun sekecil apa pun.
Sebagai seorang muslim tentu diwajibkan untuk saling maaf-memaafkan kepada muslim lain. Permintaan maaf bisa disampaikan pada orang anggota keluarga, sahabat, teman, teman kuliah, teman bermain, teman kos dan orang terdekat.
- Inilah Kumpulan Terlengkap Ucapan Permintaan Maaf Syahdu dan Mendayu Jelang Puasa Ramadan
- Inilah Kumpulan Lengkap Ucapan Selamat Ramadan dan Quote Inspiratif Jalani Puasa dalam Bahasa Arab
- 20 Ucapan Selamat Berpuasa Sederhana Penuh Makna Jelang Ramadan Penuh Berkah
Permintaan dan ucapan permintaan maaf yang tak bisa disampaikan secara langsung biasanya dikirimkan lewat aplikasi medsos yang dimiliki, entah whatsApp, Line, Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram dan sebagainya.
Nah, buat yang sedang mencari inspirasi untuk mengucapkan permintaan maaf jelang bulan puasa, berikut ini 30 permintaan maaf syahdu dan mendayu menjelang bulan puasa dalam bahasa Inggris:
- When the heart adrift to each other, the feeling of love is interwoven beautifully. If wrong and wrong happens, apologize both physically and mentally. Marhaban yes Ramadan. Happy fasting for you and family.
- Marhaban yes Ramadhan, the holy month of blessing has arrived. It’s time to get closer to Him, stay away from evil, increase worship. With all humility, apologize both physically and mentally. Marhaban yes Ramadan. Happy fasting.
- Tomorrow is the hope now is yesterday’s experience is a memory that did not escape the mistake of apologizing inward and inward, hopefully this time Ramadan is better than last year’s Ramadan.
- Ramadan is in sight. Soon we will meet. Prepare the heart to draw closer to Him. Marhaban yes Ramadan. Forgive me body and soul. Happy fasting.
- The winds of the trees praise your glory for the coming of a thousand months. Happy ramadan, happy fast worship, apologize and unseen.
- There is no happiness without gratitude. No gratitude without patience. No patience without forgiveness. Marhaban yes Ramadan. Forgive me body and soul. Happy fasting.
- Afternoons filled with kindness, night learning Al-Qur’an. Ramadan is illuminated, the heart starts to dim. Marhaban yes Ramadan. Forgive me body and soul. Happy fasting.
- If the heart is as white as a cloud, don’t let it cloud. If the heart is as beautiful as the moon, decorate with a smile. Marhaban yes Ramadan. Forgive me body and soul. Happy Ramadan 2022.
- Perhaps the days that passed has left unforgettable memories flicker. There is a wrong and make mistakes, there is no sin that follows the journey of those days. So that no remorse, no revenge. Let us together purify the heart, self, and our souls. Marhaban Yaa Ramadan.
- Marhaban yes Ramadan, the holy month of blessing has arrived. It’s time to get closer to Him, stay away from evil, increase worship. With all humility, apologize both physically and mentally. Marhaban yes Ramadan. Happy fasting.
- A speck of ink becomes a stain. A wrong piece becomes sin. A month full of blessings arrived soon. Let’s diligently worship in the fasting month. Marhaban yes Ramadan. Forgive me body and soul. Happy fasting.
- There is no happiness without gratitude. No gratitude without patience. No patience without forgiveness. Marhaban yes Ramadan. Forgive me body and soul. Happy fasting.
- In humility, there is a height of mind. In wealth poverty, there is a wealth of souls. This life feels wonderful if you are sorry. Forgive me body and soul. Marhaban yes Ramadan. Happy fasting.
- When the fingers do not have time to shake. Where the eye can not see. If there is a word lasting wounds. Hopefully the door is still open apology. Happy fasting.
- The whole world of remembrance welcomes the month full of blessings. The glory of the moon is a thousand months. When Allah forgives. Marhaban ya Ramadan. Forgive me body and soul. Happy fasting
- No human being is free from sin and no one is free from mistakes. Let us forgive each other, both intentional and unintentional mistakes. Happy fasting.
- There is no moon as great as this. There is no such month. There is no month like this. Ramadan is full of blessings and maghfirah. Marhaban yes Ramadan. Forgive me body and soul.
- It is better to be slashed by a sword than to be wounded by words whose scars never go away. Sorry to be born and inner heart for all the words that hurt and are remembered. Happy fasting.
- Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Firstly, Pardon me for every one of my slip-ups.. how about we begin Ramadan by saying Bismillahirohmanirrohim.
- The beautiful and holy month is coming back bringing so much happiness to the waiting soul. Ramadan month full of forgiveness it is time to clean the soul of all sin to return nature and achieve victory. Happy fasting.
- If all assets are poison, zakat is the antidote. If the whole of your life was fulfilled by sin, then repentance is your medicine. If the whole month is a stain, then Ramadhan is the bleach. Forgive me body and soul. Marhaban yes Ramadan. Happy fasting.
- If the heart is as white as a cloud, don’t let it cloud. If the heart is as beautiful as the moon, decorate with a smile. Marhaban yes Ramadan. Forgive me body and soul. Happy fasting.
- As the Sun was setting at the end of sha’baan, it is now the month of Ramadan. This message instead of a handshake, to mohonkan sorry and kekhilafan. Welcome Ramadan.
- When the heart adrift to each other, the feeling of love is interwoven beautifully. If wrong and wrong happens, apologize both physically and mentally. Marhaban yes Ramadan. Happy fasting.
- Words that are spoken, can cut a wound deeper than a blow. Approaching Ramadan, no envy can enter. Forgive me body and soul. Happy fasting.
- Humans never run away from wrong and err, because humans are not perfect. In this holy month, let’s forgive. So that there is no revenge and envy. Forgive me body and soul. Marhaban yes Ramadan. Happy fasting.
- Sorry, one short word that may not be easy to say sincerely. However, before the holy month, may you forgive me wholeheartedly.
- When the heart is filled with sin and the mind is surrounded by prejudice, the self is furious beyond measure. For the sake of reassuring the heart in the holy month, please forgive with all your heart. Sorry to be born and inner heart and happy fasting worship.
- In humility, there is a height of mind. In wealth poverty, there is a wealth of souls. This life feels wonderful if you are sorry. Forgive me body and soul. Marhaban yes Ramadan. Happy fasting.
- The sun sings dhikr, the wind sings and the trees praise Your majesty. Everyone welcomes the month full of blessings. Welcome to the month of Ramadan, happy fasting worship. Forgive me body and soul.
* Jika merasa artikel ini bermanfaat, silakan dishare pada saudara, sahabat dan teman-temanmu
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