Happy Teachers’ Day! Kumpulan Ucapan Hari Guru Nasional dalam Bahasa Inggris

Ucapan Selamat Hari Guru Sedunia dalam Bahasa Inggris (KalderaNews/Ist)
Ucapan Selamat Hari Guru Sedunia dalam Bahasa Inggris (KalderaNews/Ist)
Sharing for Empowerment

JAKARTA, KalderaNews.com – Berikut ini kumpulan ucapan Hari Guru Nasional dalam bahasa Inggris yang menyentuh. Bisa kamu bagikan di media sosial!

Besok, Sabtu, 25 November 2023, kita akan merayakan Hari Guru Nasional. Peringatan tahun ini mengangkat tema “Bergerak Bersama Rayakan Merdeka Belajar”.

Perayaan Hari Guru Nasional juga bersamaan dengan ulang tahun berdirinya Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia (PGRI).

Penetapan Hari Guru Nasional melalui KepPres No. 78 tahun 1994.


Ucapan Hari Guru

Nah, untuk merayakan dan sebagai bentuk terima kasih kepada para guru kita, inilah kumpulan ucapan Hari Guru Nasional dalam bahasa Inggris:

  • Thank you for teaching me a subject I thought I could never understand or be interested in. Thank you for making learning fun. Happy Teacher’s Day!
  • Thank you for being my guide and teaching me life lessons. Happy Teachers’ Day to all my teachers!
  • Wishing all my teachers a Happy Teachers’ Day! On this special day, I would like to thank you for all the efforts you have put in to make me a better person in life.
  • Dear teacher, Thanks for supporting and enlightening all my way. If only I could have your blessing for a lifetime, I would succeed the way I have done always. Have a wonderful Teachers’ Day!
  • I feel extremely lucky that I have you as a teacher. Here’s wishing you a very Happy Teachers’ Day.
  • Without you, I would have been lost. Thank you, my dear teachers, for guiding and inspiring me. Happy Teachers’ Day!
  • Teachers have to lead by example, and you have always been an excellent example to follow. As a student, I feel very grateful to have such a great mentor in my life. Happy Teachers’ Day!
  • You have taught me many things in life, but the most important lesson I learnt is how to be a better person. Happy Teachers’ Day!
  • The best teachers in the world don’t give you answers to your questions. Instead, they spark within you a desire to find the answers yourself. Happy Teachers’ Day!
  • Your teachings will always be etched in my mind. Happy Teachers’ Day!
  • Being a teacher isn’t like a 9 to 5 job, thanks for being available whenever we had a problem. Thanks for always making us feel that way! Happy teachers’ day!
  • A good teacher is the one who can inspire hope, ignite imagination and instil a love of learning. Thank you for being a brilliant teacher. Here’s wishing you a happy Teachers’ Day!
  • It’s been an utmost honour to be able to attend your classes; you taught us in the most possible friendly way! Thank you for being kind to us!
  • On this special day, I just wanted to let you know that you are one of the best teachers I have had. Thank you for making me a better person.
  • Our parents gave us life and it was you who taught us how to live it. You introduced honesty, integrity, and passion to our character. Happy Teachers’ Day!
  • Good teachers build knowledge, great teachers build character. Sending you my heartfelt wishes on this Teachers’ Day!
  • All the efforts and hard work you’ve invested to bring out the best in us can never be repaid in mere words. We can only feel grateful for having a teacher like you!
  • You taught us like a teacher, protected us like our parents and guided us like a mentor. You truly deserve this day so much. Happy teachers’ day to my most beloved teacher!
  • You gave us all the reasons to dream big and all the resources to achieve it. You are a blessing in our life. Happy teachers day!
  • Dear teacher, Wishing you a happy Teachers’ Day. Thank you for being the guiding light and for inspiring me to do well in my studies. You are the best teacher.
  • A teacher is like candles who spend whole life in giving lights to many students.
  • You have a very special power of inspiring young people like me. We need more teachers like you in our schools and colleges. Happy teachers’ day to you!
  • Teachers are: talented, elegant, admirable, cherished, honorable, efficient and responsible.
  • Dear Teacher, I would not be where I am in life right now, had it not been for your guidance and wisdom. I owe you all of success. Thank you! And a Happy Teachers’ Day!
  • A teacher is most important for any country as only he/she can give a nice citizen in future.

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